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New Project!

Anyone reading this site is probably wondering why I haven't come out with another game since Groov was released. I've been busy learning a lot about graphics programming (I basically knew nothing about it while making Groov), and have been slowly but surely been getting progress done on my next game. It's going to be a follow-up to Groov in a very loose sense: you'll still be flying the conductor around, blasting enemies into musical oblivion. But instead of an arcade-style dual-stick shooter, The Groov Cosmos (working title....) will be a story-based action adventure! Music will still be an integral part of the experience, and is worked into the storyline in a cool way. I'm posting some concept art and a VERY early video of the "game."

What you're looking at in this video is a procedurally modeled environment that will be like many that the player encounters early on in The Groov Cosmos. The video also demonstrates the deferred shading system that allows for many dynamic lights in the environment, which I hope to use to create a dance club-like setting that will enhance many of the battles the player will fight.

Also, an important note: this isn't exactly a game "announcement." Part of the reason I haven't posted anything for so long is because I'm very unsure about how long it will actually take me to complete this game. It might be a year, or it might be 10 years. Seriously. I hope to one day release it, but it might have to be put on the back burner as I exit school for the treacheries of the real world.

Thanks again for making Groov such a big success guys! It's nice to finally post something about my new project, and I'll try to keep posting updates as I make progress.


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Reader Comments (6)

Right on Barryman! Although I hope you're not serious when you say this might take you ten years. If it does, it better be darn good when you're done with it.


January 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDcurt

Thanks DCurt. You can be my copyright lawyer when I'm ready to ship.


January 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterBarryman

Hey awesome just completed all of groov and wanted to see if you had another game. will get this day one.

January 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdan

Thanks Dan, I appreciate it.

January 22, 2011 | Registered CommenterBarryman

Just happened upon this link and glad I did. I love groov so much more than any other dual-stick shooter, sans Smash TV of course. This new video is more exciting to me than any big game trailer. Really always wanted a sort of "no fail" mode with groov, hope you can put something like that in future games. Keep it up and I'll continue spreading the word to friends with XBL whenever I can.

January 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBenitoBB

Sweet, thanks so much Benito! It's really awesome to hear that people liked Groov, it definitely motivates me to keep working hard on Cosmos. The no fail thing is something I heard a lot about Groov, so I'm definitely going to look into it. The music system I'm working on now (I'll try to write a blog post about it soon) is much more flexible than in Groov, so I think messing around with it in a no-fail mode would be pretty cool.

February 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterBarryman

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